Press Release Submission

Press Release Submission

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Press Release Submission


Press Release Submission. Our expert writers will create 10 to 20 original articles ( 300 to 500 words ) describing your services and products. Dive into the nuances of press release submission with tips on crafting releases that stand out, selecting distribution channels, and measuring the impact on your SEO and brand recognition.


There is a difference between a press release submission and an article submission, in a press release website your supposed to publish news regarding your company,services or website. An article directory submission is basically an educational thing.

In a press release visitors or surfers have the right to re-publish your article without asking any permission, that’s the benefit because while they will re-publish your press release in their website they will also include your link to your website.

We have up to 1,000 unique websites where we can create a press release for your website and promote your services.

In a press release we are capable to include your link straight on the content of the article and not just in the aurthor box, google and other search engines find it more valuable when your link is inside of the content, just like the great example of wikipedia.

Press Release Submission

Our expert writers will create 10 to 20 original articles ( 300 to 500 words ) describing your services and products. After the articles are done we will manually submit your press release, in some cases a registration to the site is required in order to post a release. We will create a unique email address which will be used for the press release account registration, verification and activation emails.

After all press release websites have approved your article ( usually within 5 to 7 days ) we will then save the exact url where your press release has been posted just like the example url i have mentioned above and include it on your weekly report.

WHAT IS Press Release Submission

In this article I will discuss about press release submission, its working process as well as some effective tips to make an accepted press release submission. The term press release actually refers to a newspaper publication. Like the definition it is one of the advertising process by which a business site gains great publicity as well as popularity.

The main purpose of a press release is to make some natural backlinks for increasing traffic, boosting search engine ranking as well as increasing the product sales.

If you are new in online business, you will really get wondered to see that lots of people are talking ever day about this term while planning their marketing strategy for their company as well as product. It is actually no wonder that people always prefer to press release submission as their marketing strategies.

Now, why most of the online business owners prefer this technique to advertise their products? You will understand it easily if you can remember an article in your newspaper that was made on a new medicine or any other new products.

It is one of the best ways to boost your sales as well as your business in a quick and inexpensive manner. As it is a written proclamation, it easily attracts the target population’s interest about the new launched product as well as any new happening in the business.

In most of the cases it is seen that companies make press release submission to notify their target groups about the noteworthy event related their old products or newly introduced product or their company.


You will have to consider some factors to get your submission accepted.

You should not hire an amateur to write your press release article as it may get rejected by the editor of press-release websites. It will be a wise decision if you contact with an experienced SEO firm to write your press- release articles as well as submit them on some quality press release submission websites.

Now if you don’t want to spend any penny to hire a writer to make your press release submission, you should take some factors into your account to make a catchy as well as accepted submission. You should write an informative article related to your target product.

Along with this you should also make a catchy title for your article. And finally you should make you sure that your article is free of grammatical and other errors as well.

Press release has now considered as the most important advertising tools in SEO industry. There are lots of press release submission websites available online. These include,,,,,,, 24-7,,,,,,, Wall Street journal,,, etc. Some of these press release websites are free of cost and some of them are paid websites.

Other very useful tools for SEO:



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